The USAID Justice for All Activity (the Project) is a USAID-funded five-year project, implemented by Development Professionals Inc. (DPI) and focusing on people-centered justice. The Project is designed to help the Government of the Republic of Serbia solve people’ legal problems and satisfy their justice needs by strengthening the justice system and service providers to guarantee the rule of law and empower citizens to know their rights and use the law.
Through its Grants Program, the Project is promoting the role of civil society in the overall justice reform process and within people-centered justice, along with fostering cooperation between the judiciary and civil society.
The Project invites interested CSOs to submit project proposals within the areas of:
1. Mapping and enhancing justice pathways for justice seekers from underserved and disadvantaged communities focusing on their priority case types and experiences with discrimination and unequal treatment.
2. Translating selected guides into format(s) that people with sensory disabilities can use, i.e., identifying and adapting information materials available at to the legal needs of underserved and disadvantaged groups (e.g., translations into Serbian Sign Language, Braille alphabet, Romani language, etc.).
3. Developing the sensitivity component for a planned training program on procedural justice and communications in courts for judges and court staff to help them improve interactions with the different court user audiences they encounter, targeting, in part, the needs of disadvantaged groups and People with Disabilities (PWD).
Grant awards will be in the range of $10,000-$30,000. The grant implementation period cannot exceed 12 months.
Deadline for Questions/Clarifications: March 18, 2024, 10:00 Belgrade time
Any questions concerning this RFA should be submitted in writing to no later than the deadline stated above. All correspondence should note the RFA number RFA - J4ALL - 2024. 01 in the subject section of the email. Responses to questions received before the deadline will be furnished through an amendment to this notice via e-mail. Phone calls are prohibited.
Deadline for Submitting Applications: March 29, 2024, 10:00 Belgrade time
The Application, in English, should be sent in electronic format to: Please note the RFA number RFA - J4ALL - 2024. 01 in the subject section of the email.
The full set of application documents can be found below:
- Request for Applications announcement – full text (pdf document)
- Annex A - Eligibility and Selection Criteria (pdf document)
- Annex B - Review and Evaluation Procedure (pdf document)
- Annex C - Application Form (Word document)
- Annex D - Budget Guidelines and Sample (pdf document)
- Annex E - Budget Form (Excel document)
- Annex F - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers (pdf document)